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club Jubilee

The Centaurus club celebrated it's 50th Anniversary on Sunday 23 February. The day started with a get together at the rink with a free for all skate, followed by a demo from the various disciplines in the clubs history - figure, free, speed and hockey.  All in all there were about 70-80 skaters on the rink, of all ages, shapes and sizes whizzing around having a great time. Only one fall was recorded,  of course I can't name names but she is a currently active skater whose name is a cross between the bottom of a yacht and a famous Irish whisky.  Guess she Keele(y)d over too far !!


From there, everyone after a quick trip to the local physio and or chiropractor, headed for Robbies Bar  and Bistro for the real festivities. After an hour or so of  'conversationne', which for younger skaters meant sitting at opposite ends of the room 'texting' each other on cell phones, it was time for  the banquet. 

While the feeding frenzy  was in progress, we were entertained by a compilation of historical video clips compiled by Jack Lyttle. Jack also created a display of skating history over the years which was also one of the nights highlights. The look on some faces when they suddenly recognized themselves on the video was priceless! Many thanks Jack for all the time and effort you put in....

Another highlight in the formal part of the evening was when life membership was bestowed on Noel Street. Noel who has been a bastion of the club for (in his words) "too long..." has been a great club and national representative - congratulations Noel !  

The night wound down with great mutterings about 'we must do this again more often'. Lets hope it comes to fruition, and Centaurus can build upon the strengths it has, and continue to be the most successful skating club in New Zealand.  

Lots of thanks to our own Judge Jeanne and her team for organizing the event.  I don't know everyone who was involved, but if you were, then take a bow - you know who you are !   

If you are brave enough click here for the picture gallery ...



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Centaurus Ice Skating Club Incorporated, P.O. Box 30041 Christchurch New Zealand